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Thema: Warnung!

  1. #1

    77 Jahre alt
    626 Beiträge seit 01/2008


    Hallo an alle, die folgende Warnung habe ich heute von (sehr zuverlässigen) Freunden erhalten:

    Subject: WARNING about shopping at Carrefour....

    At the UKCA there is a notice up warning that if you pay by credit or debit card at Carrefour be very careful with your till receipt,

    as they print out your whole name, and your whole card number - and so far, 1 member has had their card cloned and had

    3,000 Euro taken from their account. And - as you probably already know, the banks here will only take responsibility for losses

    after you report one - so the initial amount lost is lost for good.

    This morning a member of our Ladies group shopped at Carrefour and confirmed that this warning is correct.

    Please take care, and please pass this on to anyone you know who might shop at Carrefour.

    many thanks

    Newsletter Group

    trotzdem: Freudiges SHoppen,

  2. Nach oben    #2
    39 Jahre alt
    aus Neubukow/M-V
    301 Beiträge seit 10/2007

    Re: Warnung!

    Danke Beethofan, dass ist echt gut zu wissen...

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